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Luoghi del cuore FAI 2016

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Luoghi del cuore FAI 2016: the project

I Luoghi del Cuore (places of the heart), promoted by FAI (fondo ambiente italiano, an association that preserves italian environment), is a project that allows citizens to report all those monuments and sites they would like to save. Over the years have already been granted measures of protection and restoration in 68 sites distributed in 15 Italian regions.
The FAI gives 50.000 euro for the first site chosen, 40.000 euro for the second one and 30.000 euro for the third. There are other contributions to those places that have obtained at least 50.000 votes. Finally with 1,500 votes, is possible to request further contributions for targeted interventions.
In this edition there were more than one and a half million votes. Few days ago has been notified of the ranking of the top-rated places in 2016.

And the winner is…

With our great pleasure, the first place has been conquered by the Castle of Sammezzano, the splendid Moorish castle situated a few kilometers from Florence. The result is largely the result of the intense work of the committees “FPXA – Sammezzano” and “Save Sammezzano” that in recent months have worked for the promotion of the site and for the collection of the votes for the places of the heart FAI.
We now hope that the Castle, which unfortunately is not in good condition, will be restored and that in future it will be reopened to the public!

The ranking

1) Castle e Park of Sammezzano (50.141 votesi)
[Reggello, Florence]

Castle of Sammezzano
Castle of Sammezzano (Photo by Paebi / CC BY)

2) Santa Croce (47.319 votes)
[Bosco Marengo, Alessandria]

Santa Croce (Bosco Marengo, Alessandria)
Santa Croce (Bosco Marengo, Alessandria) (Photo by Brigante mandrogno / CC BY)

3) Caves of Caglieron (36.789 votes)
[Fregona, Treviso]

Luoghi del cuore FAI 2016 -Caves of Caglieron
Caves of Caglieron

4) Area archeologica di Capo Colonna (31.223 votes)
5) Ditta Guenzati (31.069 votes)
6) Convento di San Nicola – Santa Maria della Consolazione (29.735votes)
[Almenno San Salvatore, Bergamo]
7) Tonnara del Secco (28.373 votes)
[San Vito Lo Capo, Trapani]
8) Ponte romano sull’Ofanto (25.863 votes)
[Canosa di Puglia, Barletta Andria Trani]
9) Forte San Felice (25.122 votes)
[Chioggia, Venice]
10) Anfiteatro augusteo di Lucera (23.619 votes)
[Lucera, Foggia]

For the complete ranking please consult the website of the FAI.

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